Waves in the spectrum

Using a prism, white light wave can be split up into a variety of different colored light waves and this range of colors are called the visible spectrum, which is only a small part of a longer spectrum called the electromagnetic spectrum. Only the visible part can be seen, and humans cannot detect the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other animals are able to see other parts, such as the infrared and ultraviolet waves.

Reflection, refraction, and diffraction may occur for all the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic waves do not need medium (matter) to travel in, therefore, they can also travel through space, unlike sound waves and water waves. 

All the waves in the spectrum share the same speed, but each type has its own range of frequencies and wavelengths. The difference in the frequencies gives each type of wave its own characteristics, for instance, its color. 
<------Higher frequency & shorter wavelength

Basically higher frequency means more energy, meaning that gamma rays are the most destructive wave out of the whole spectrum. 

Absorption and emission of waves - seeing colors

Why do different objects show different colors?

Each objects absorb and reflect different kinds of frequencies of light. For example, white reflects all colors and black absorbs all colors. There are some arguments that black is not even a color; it's a lack of color as all light has been absorbed. 

When any radiation is absorbed, it's energy is converted into heat energy. Black absorbs radiation easily, so it heats up quickly, whereas white stays much cooler.